Parent yogi - meditation pose, sukhasana
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I’m a parent and yoga teacher!

My mission is to help you navigate through the day to day moments with more Freedom, Appreciation, Connection and Ease (FACE), within yourself and your family.

Smile - increase your FACE value!

Are you ready to tap into your innate power and potential?

How did I get here? Well, my name means light. I've always, from a young age been curious about what this light, energy, being is. I remember at about the age of 5 sitting in front of a mirror and thinking to myself, I am more than I can see with my physical eyes. I wasn't able to label what the 'more' was at the time.

I was brought up with the philosophy of yoga from when I was little and this has given me great inspiration to later explore and experiment. I was fortunate to have lost my corporate job in my mid 20's and decided to travel around the world for a year. This is where my deeper yoga journey began.

I love learning and sharing my insights so that the depth of yoga can become available to all. I've taught various aspects of yoga for different stages of life, from fertility yoga, pregnancy yoga, mummy and baby yoga, children's yoga, all the way to chair yoga and restorative yoga. These all incorporate optimising mindset, movement and relaxation/meditation.

Here’s how you can take your next step:

Parent yogi - Prenatal yoga, pregnancy yoga, pregnancy yoga in harrowin a

Pregnancy yoga and Hypnobirthing sessions

Parent yogi - Mummy and baby yoga, Post natal yoga

Mummy and baby yoga, Baby Massage and Children’s yoga

Parent yogi - private yoga, therapeutic yoga, 1-2-1 yoga

1:1 sessions, Parent Yoga sessions


“I highly recommend Deepa’s pregnancy yoga classes. It was a great opportunity each week to relax and each of the yoga postures/breathing techniques were helpful throughout pregnancy as well as labour. Deepa takes the time to help you with your individual needs and provided great tips for any pregnancy niggles you were facing. It was also nice to talk to other mums and share experiences..”

— Uma Patel

“Me and my baby are really enjoying the mummy and baby yoga! Lovely warm welcoming environment, very relaxed... deepa is great with the babies. I leave feeling like I've had a chance to actually relax and recharge a little and so far baby naps after every class (extra bonus!).”

— Cherrie Prince

“Amazing family yoga session - the kids really enjoyed the gratitude baskets, learning how to breathe and poses by the jungle experience and now ask to do yoga everyday. Highly recommend this class to any parent..”

— Deepa Kutmitia

Parent yogi - yoga fun, yoga experience

Experiment and experience

Yoga, as a whole reveals so many hidden gems, if we can learn to harness these ancient techniques and incorporate & infuse them into our modern day world, we will have access to our own inner superpowers of love, peace, energy, happiness and wisdom.

My sessions are uniquely delivered to guide you from where you are and how you are feeling towards a more empowered and relaxed self.

Ready to start your journey?

Fun adventurous facts!

Parent yogi - yoga adventures

1. Fun fact

I’ve actually been fortunate to travel around the world, not just once but twice, that’s right TWICE!

The first time I decided to take a year for myself. I combined my love of travel with volunteering. I was a camp counsellor in the US and volunteered in a children’s cancer rehabilitation centre and hospital in Brazil.

The second time was on honeymoon for 2 months where we climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, which had been a dream of mine since I was 8 years old!

Parent yogi - yoga adventures, yoga journey

2. Fun fact

I’ve met the Duke of Edinburgh! I completed the DofE awards whilst at school and was fortunate to go to St James Palace to receive my certificate from him.

Participating in an Outward Bound course as part of the residential section, was a pivotal point in my life and really a stepping stone towards overcoming fear.

I climbed Mount Helvellyn in the Lake district and slept on top of the mountain in just a sleeping bag, I did some rock climbing and jumped off backwards from a height into Lake Windermere, and I climbed up and jumped off a telegraph pole towards a trapeze bar!

Parent yogi - yoga practice, chocolate yoga

3. Fun fact

I love CHOCOLATE! Vegan chocolate :) You can see how happy I am in this picture with a chocolate cupcake in my hand!

I know happiness isn’t found in the chocolate cupcake. What is the secret to finding happiness you might ask? Well, that’s why I love practicing different elements of yoga, as there’s always something new to discover!

Parent yogi - yoga stretching, expand comfort zone

4. Fun fact

I ran (jogged/walked) the London Marathon in 2007! I wanted the challenge myself out of my comfort zone! It was great training etc.

I chose to raise money for Diabetes UK as my father had passed away 2 years before, having had numerous complications from stemming from it, such as lost eye sight, kidney failure and eventually heart failure.

I continue to support and raise awareness. I participated in the swim the channel in 2019, swimming 20 miles in just 3 months. I recently participated in the 1 million step challenge too!

Parent yogi - achievement

5. Fun fact

I have maths degree! Anyone who knows me now, cannot believe this! After graduating, I already had an unconditional offer to work for one of the top accountancy companies in the world, so I did for a few years. I soon realised this was not where I was meant to be.

Through yoga practice and observing how that made me feel, I decided to train to teach, having completed my first course in 2006 in India at the Swami Vivekananda centre, my journey began.

What drives me?

Parent yogi is about taking a birds eye view, seeing things from a different perspective and learning the tools to rise above the day to day challenges and perceived obstacles.

It's about being a parent to yourself first, healing your inner child, approaching life with curiosity, wonder and awe. So that you can be the best version of yourself, for yourself and those around you, including the next generation.

Taking an inside out approach allows us to look within, cleanse the old ways, patterns, habits, default, auto pilot and create the best, empowered version of ourselves. We are capable of achieving greatness and hold infinite possibilities in our bodies, hearts and minds.

After becoming a parent myself to my beautiful child, Tanav. Life became the trickiest it had ever been. I loved theme parks, but the real life roller coasters were the most challenging to navigate. I'm extremely grateful to have the exposure to the skills, tools and techniques of yoga, to have not only survived but truly thrived.

I believe there is something in yoga for everyone. You just need to create some time and patience to investigate, experiment and experience, are you ready to start your journey to unlocking your hidden, empowering and compassionate keys?